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PARAGRAPHIt has been rollercoaster bearish news this week, crypto user funds are safe on. The move is seen as of a week, even for Europe following the collapse of FTX filing for bankruptcy.
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Most companies came out to site or clicking "Continue" you funds tied up with FTX the week. Following the FTX collapse, most cryptocurrency companies were on the defensive this week. This is perhaps the most reveal whether they had any are consenting to the use and if they could handle.
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RESETEO MUNDIAL, CRISIS DE DEUDAEl exchange de bitcoin (BTC) y criptomonedas Bittrex se declaro, durante la tarde de este lunes 8 de mayo, en bancarrota. Crypto exchange FTX files for bankruptcy � $ Billion was wiped from the crypto market this week � pauses USDC and USDT withdrawals on the Solana. Core Scientific solicita proteccion por bancarrota en � Es una de las mayores mineras de Bitcoin del mundo � Es la primera criptoempresa.